Our Vision

Our vision is a world that enables women and children to participate in society on their own terms – empowered to achieve their highest potential. 

Starting with accommodation and meeting immediate needs, we support women and their children to be safe. We provide 24/7 support and temporary accommodation, independent housing and supported community care.

Women needing support have experienced, or are at immediate risk of, serious harm: through physical and emotional violence, threats, sexual assault, and stalking. We work alongside them to plan their move towards a life free from violence.

McAuley House, Footscray and Ballarat, provide inhouse support to women who are homeless, many of whom have also experienced family violence. It is a place for rest, recovery and reconnection, as well as being a welcoming hub for women and children who have moved into the surrounding community.


Our values


Women and children coming to McAuley feel that they belong and have the confidence to join other communities


Everyone is met at McAuley as an equal and made to feel at home when they are there


McAuley will respect where women and children come from, and they will be heard and listened to with dignity


Women and children have the right to live at home safely and free of fear